Love of Reading, Love of Learning, Love of Students
The Marvelous ABCs of Hearing
Join Shayla Boo as she shares “The Marvelous ABCs of Hearing” a delightful rhyming adventure through the world of sound and communication. Each letter of the alphabet represents an element of hearing, making learning about our ears and sounds a fun and memorable experience. Join Shayla Boo as she rhymes her way through the ABCs and discovers the wonders of hearing.
Step into the enchanting world of "The Marvelous ABCs of Hearing" with Shayla Boo as your guide! This interactive journey through the alphabet is not just a rhyming adventure but also an immersive learning experience. From vocabulary enrichment to thought-provoking questions, teachers' guides, and abundant resources for parents, this book offers a comprehensive exploration of sound and communication. Join Shayla Boo as she explores the wonders of hearing, making learning both enjoyable and enriching for children and adults alike.

Shayla Boo and You
All About My Hearing
Shayla Boo is an 8-year-old girl with a bilateral hearing loss. She is friendly, funny, and a great athlete. She wants to share all about her hearing loss with you. Shayla explains her hearing loss, anatomy of the ear and how to read an audiogram. Do you have a hearing loss? Do you know what type of hearing loss you have? Do you know how to read your audiogram? If not, you will after reading Shayla Boo and You. You are going to love this interactive book.

Shayla Boo is back and she wants to share some signs with you. Shayla Boo and her classroom friends go on a field trip to the zoo. Shayla Boo loves to practice sign language. She will teach you how to sign all the animals that she sees. Come along with Shayla Boo !!! She will see you at the zoo.
Shayla Boo and You Go To The Zoo

Shayla Boo y Tú

Shayla Boo es una niña de 8 años de edad con una pérdida auditiva bilateral. Ella es amigable, graciosa y una atleta fabulosa. Ella quiere compartir todo acerca de su pérdida de audición contigo. Shayla explica lo que es su pérdida auditiva, la anatomía del oído y cómo interpretar un audiograma. ¿Sabes cómo interpretar un audiograma? Si no lo sabes, lo vas a poder hacer después de leer a Shayla y Tú.

Readers of all ages are reminded that dreams can ignite even the tiniest hearts and lead to big accomplishments. “Little Angelica’s Big Dream: All I Want to Do Is Wrestle” is a delightful tale that champions the power of following one’s dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem.
Little Angelica's Big Dream