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Welcome to Vielka
Montout’s world

of enchanting stories

Shayla Boo
Little Angelica, Little Angelica and a plant, Little Angelica and mom

About Author

The Dream of Inclusive Storytelling

From a young age Vielka held a dream close to her heart: to write children’s books that would make a positive impact on young minds. Her experiences as a child of immigrants and her journey through education highlighted the need for literature that not only celebrated diversity but also encouraged resilience and self-advocacy. Vielka understood the power of storytelling as a tool to shape young lives, and she was determined to fill the gap she saw in the literary landscape.



Love of Reading, Love of Learning, Love of Students

The Wishing Shelf Award (Finalist)

Little Angelica's Big Dream

Little Angelica's Big Dream
“Little Angelica’s Big Dream: All I Want to Do Is Wrestle” is a heartwarming children’s book that follows the spirited journey of a 6-year-old girl named Angelica. Fueled by an unyielding passion for wrestling, Angelica’s aspirations to became a professional wrestler shape her daily life and interactions.

Little Angelica
Little Angelica practicing her wrestling moves

Despite her mother’s attempts to engage her in various activities and chores, Angelica’s resounding refrain remains, “But mom, I just want to wrestle.” From morning until night, Angelica’s imagination is consumed by her dream of stepping into the ring, and her determination shines brightly in the face of every challenge.

​As the story unfolds, readers are invited to witness Angelica’s unwavering focus and the joy she finds in practicing her wrestling moves. Through colorful illustrations and endearing interactions, the book captures Angelica’s determination and her unique perspective on the world around her.

ASL Story Time


Have some fun!

​Our downloadable fun activities assets are designed specifically for children with hearing aids, with clear and easy-to-follow instructions to help them get the most out of each activity. From puzzles to games, there's something for every child to enjoy.

Shayla Boo and You All About My Hearing
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